Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Haiti Day 1!!!

Hey everyone!

Our team, along with your luggage, all made it to Port au Paix yesterday safely!!!! We had a long 24 hours of travel and waiting, but we did it! Sunday night we did decide to get hotel rooms (thanks to!) ... best decision we could've made! Although we got less than 5 hours of sleep, it was a very comfortable and peaceful 5 hours!

The airport process in Port au Prince went quickly and Pastor Exante picked up Jamie and I to take us out for breakfast. So we spent about 4 hours in air conditioning with some DELICIOUS food! Don, Rich, and Laurie met up with us for lunch and we all caught up on one another's lives.

We then headed over to the domestic airport ... if you can call it that! It was the smallest airport I've ever seen and we rode in the smallest plane I've personally ever been on. It seated 20, but there were only 14 of us and then luggage on the back rows of seats. The plan ride was interesting and we enjoyed flying over and seeing the land from a bird's eye view.

We drove to our hotel and of course Jamie, Laurie, and I sat in the back bed of the truck to have Port au Paix surrounding us! We got to our hotel and the rooms are lovely! Everything in our bathroom works and we haven't had major issues with electricity. And as an added bonus our rooms do have ceiling fans and some sort of air conditioning ... woohoo!!!

Today we will be heading to the orphanage that HOLD the Children runs. We'll be helping them with a few tasks like taking inventory, organizing their storage space, and helping to write profiles on the children to give to sponsors.

Please Pray for the following:
- our time with the children .. that the light of God shines thru all we say and do
- Jamie and I as we process everything (Robby, I wish you were here). Our minds are spinning with ideas and visions ... which if you know us at all can get dangerous!
- Diets ... honestly, this is always a prayer of mine because my stomach hates change ... so that's a personal one that I stay healthy with all the changes in diet. So far so good.
- The kids at the orphanage ... this will probably remain at the forefront of my heart. Out of 27 orphans, only 15 are sponsored ...

We love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers and support. I can already tell you that God is good and it is worth it.

God is Love.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for both of you and each and every one of those adorable children. I love the picture of Jamie with all the kids draped on him . . . I can imagine Leanne being "attacked", too. May God bless every moment of your time in Haiti and may He provide for each of those young, smiling faces.
