Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Haiti: Wednesday Update!

Hey everyone! Wow, has it been a day. Today was a lot harder for me personally because the reality of our surroundings has begun to sink in. But it has also been one of the most amazing ways to spend my birthday ... and God knew that.

We started today by hopping in the truck to drive around town and run some errands with the whole team. We went to a piece of land that Mission Discovery has purchased to build a church and school on. Unfortunately, the funds haven't come in so building hasn't really started. And on top of that, the neighbors seemed to have built a wall partially taking about 2 feet from the church property. It may not seem like a lot, but things like that cause major issues with all the planning. While we were there, Pastor Exante spoke to me and it was like words spoken from God Himself. I don't like it when God messes with me like that ... but He does and He does it often enough for me to know to listen. So all in all, I guess I will be returning in January for the conference, which is something I want to handle with great responsibility and prayer.

We then headed to the dock and got the "bonus tour" of Port au Paix ... we found the stove that got shipped and let the guys work out tracking the 7 bins that were shipped in July and still haven't made it here. It's the behind-the-scenes work like that we rarely see, but it happens and is necessary.

We headed back to the hotel for lunch (these awesome chicken paninis) and cleaned up a little before heading to the orphanage for the afternoon. Riding in the back of the truck is awesome, but you get covered in dirt and grime! Our time at the orphanage was well spent and accomplished. We organized all the donations that have been in storage and made sure they will be finding homes for everything! There's a couple kids that have stuck out to Jamie like Lavinski ... a little boy that just loved Jamie and didn't really leave his side. For me, Mark and Samuel and Luznia all were my little ones. And then there was this sweet baby that I never learned her name, but she loved to cuddle. I'm sure pictures will be up. Leaving was hard, but the staff at the orphanage understand that what they are doing is a calling from God! And that is encouraging. And after we had left yesterday, the workers got the tin roof finished on the church (which they were waiting to see happen since April!)!!!!

We're still processing, dreaming, and listening for God speaking to us thru the waves crashing, the kids laughing, and the begging on the streets.

Tomorrow we will be flying at 1pm into Port au Prince (pray for that flight! It's kind of scary and adventurous!). Once we land, we are hoping to have some time to tour Port au Prince and get an idea of all the damage remaining and a closer look at the current situation in town. Then Friday morning we fly home. I'm not sure about internet access in Port au Prince so there may not be an update tomorrow but please be praying!

Thank you again for your love ... it has encouraged and strengthened us to hug another baby, talk to another stranger, and look beyond what we see and see what God sees.

God is Love.


  1. Jamie and Leanne-
    You are both on our hearts and minds as you continue on this journey. I'm in tears because it makes me think of Africa and all those beautiful children. So many to love! :-)
    We can't wait to see photos and hear all the stories of how God is working in Haiti.
    Jamie, I've been talking to Michelle every day makin' sure she's ok!
    Leanne- Happy Birthday my friend!
    We miss you both, love you tremendously and are praying for strength, courage, discernment and safe travels (among many other things).
    Love to you both- see you soon!
    -Diana (Eric and Olivia too!)

    PS- Heard this song... I probably won't do it justice, but it said something like "I'm restless until I rest in You" Good stuff.

  2. Hi guys!
    I wasn't able to post a comment the other day so I did send Jamie an email instead. I hope you didn't think we forgot about you!! Jamie, we miss you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! The kids have been asking for you every day and we just can't wait to come and get you from the airport tomorrow. Brandon told all of his friends and his teachers (multiple times today) that he gets to get you from the airport tomorrow! He's so excited to see you. I am so proud of you and am looking forward to hearing more about your trip! You are amazing!
    Michelle, Brandon, and Rebecca
