Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Glimpse at Day 4

After an attack of African killer bees and a broken nose, our own Jamie Kendrew is still alive. We deemed today "Operation Kill Jamie" after the 24 hours he's had. He's still surviving.

It was a somber and bittersweet day for us here. I'm not sure if I even have the words to describe our final day at the work sites.

All Saints team had a blessed final day visiting, finishing movies, and saying goodbyes. Students spent lunch with residents, helping feed them, and having some sweet times of worship. No words can describe the beauty of what today held and the team is simply in awe of God.

The church group pitched in to clean the church property and lay the rest of the cement (B. Cousino was the girl laying cement ... it was awesome!). We ran VBS and spent a solid 2 hours playing with the kids, singing worship songs, and explaining the love of God to the children we were encountering. It was bittersweet being asked "We'll see you next year, right?"

Lives were changed this week. A lot of them were in our team. But we know that the everlasting, beautiful, good news of Jesus Christ was shared and made known ... compassion was poured out and love was poured in.

The Mission Discovery motto is "To Serve is to Love" ... and all we can say is Hallelujah and Amen.



  1. Oh Jamie!!!! We are so sorry this happened to you. The first thing Brandon said when I told him you broke your nose was say, "Did he break it off?" It was funny! He told me Jordan broke his head off once...for real! LOL. I hope this brings a smile to your face without hurting your nose! We love you so much; broken nose and swollen hand...whatever! We are praying that you feel better and that any pain you have will go away quickly. Great job on your mission trip! We are so proud of the work your group did in the lives of so many for the glory of God. He is so proud of you all. Get home safely...PLEASE!!!! :)
    Michelle, Brandon, and Becca

  2. What an incredible and amazing week it has been and it's all through a surrendered heart to God.

    Maybe you have already done this, but we would ask that someone take the lead and gather around Jamie, Leanne, Chuck, Eileen and Drea, lay hands on them, and thank the Lord for their ministry of love, sacrifice, and servant leadership. They love you and care about your heart so much. Please bless them with your prayers, and especially God's healing hand on Jamie.

    Again, you all are AWESOME!!

  3. Jamie, you are the biggest accident waiting to happen that I have ever had the honor of meeting. You are a completely awesome wreck!
    I'm so proud to call all of you my friends! You have done amazing things for God this week, and I'm sad that it's over for you, because it sounds like you all had a wonderful time in God's love and doing His work for others. May God bless your hearts for doing so much for Him!
    Enjoy yourselves tomorrow and get home safe!

  4. Sean, sounds like it has been a great week. I have been praying for the trip. Enjooy the last day!


  5. Last day! Wow! Did it go fast or what??!! I missed yesterday - computer was not on all day. I visited my sister, Nancy, in Indian Head (Yes, it's a real place.)
    Random comments:
    Jamie - Steph said it best. I can only add - OUCH!!
    Josh - First a torn in half shirt and now a gold lame' one piece ... Hmmmm?
    Chuck - I can only say your hair fashion is following Josh's clothes fashion - going down hill fast! :) :)
    Bethany - your face with Miss Moxie - beautiful!
    RY - You can't come home unless your hair is in corn rows ..... or at least dreds! (Should that be spelled dreads??!! ")
    Everyone - Such great God's work done all week! I think you spend today at the beach and shopping. Have fun (or should I say), have MORE fun and relax a little! Miss you and can't wait to see everyone at the Third!!

  6. Sorry to hear about Jamie's broken nose. Now you know how Julia felt! ;-) Maybe she can set it for you with a spoon (no joke!). We have a great ENT recommendation: Dr. Celin at Metropolitan ENT (Passavant Hospital). He takes care of the Penguins... and the occasional broom-ball player. The good news is that they actually recommend waiting 3-4 days before re-setting broken noses, so you'll be back home at just the right time. (Appointment Monday?) Okay... enough "playing doctor". Besides, I don't have any good bee sting advice, other than "don't". :-P

    Looking forward to seeing you all back soon. Enjoy your "day off". As we always say: Work hard, play hard. In that order.
