Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



  1. Once again, absolutely beautiful pictures . . .
    Each of you is making a difference, an eternal difference that is lasting. Keep strong in Him, He will totally equip you for every good work.
    We are so proud of you and are so very thankful for the lasting Kingdom work that you are doing.
    PRAISE BE TO GOD!!! We send our love and continued prayers to you. Sean, we miss you!!
    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not man, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23-24

  2. Hi everyone! I can tell that you all are blessing so many people by just being there. Keep up the good work, and thanks for posting the pictures! Love, Abbie

  3. Hey!
    You guys are all doing great! Gabe, I love you and I miss you (and my Ipod)...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing the pictures everyday.
    Stevie you look hot, Dad wants to know if you are wishing you had a hair cut yet.

    I will strengthen them in the Lord and in his name they will walk," declares the Lord.
    Zechariah 10:12

  6. It looks like everyone is not only sharing the gospel, but also living the gospel!! The pictures tell the story :)
    John 13:33-35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
    Blessing to each of you as you share Christ's love.

    Shirley and Matt C.

  7. Another day of awesome pictures!
    Bethany, what a priceless shot!
    Mr. Chuck, classic!
    Guys, way to work hard!
    We are praying for each of you-that God meets you at your point of need. I imagine you are having experiences that take you there often.
    Gabey - great job!
    Thank you, Jamie,Leanne,Chuck,Eileen, and Drea for helping our kids to more easily see their purpose!
    Much love to all of you...
    Mang and Sarah

  8. I can tell from the pictures that you are all working so hard. It is the best part of my day getting to see and read about all the things you are accomplishing in Nassau. Praise be to the Lord! Good job to all of you on what you have been doing with your talents and gifts through worship (good job Brad), fellowshipping, and working. Chuck, love the new look you're going for with the hat...very stylish :) Bethany C, love the pic of you and the girls, ya'll look gorgeous :) My prayers are with everyone!

  9. "Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Both you and those who hear/see/feel Christ's Love in you will experience salvation..."
    I Timothy 4
    It is obvious from the pics, you are shining for Him! you all make us proud! More important; God is glorified!!!
    I love you all!!!

    Brad, you should leave your hair fixed that way until you get home! I remember girls being able to do that to mine...about 100 years ago!!!

  10. Brad has corn rows! Awesome! I personally think they should do RY's and Steve's hair, too. Nice and long, and not as curly. :P Love the pictures; you guys all look like you're giving your all to God, serving Him with the gifts He has given you. Good job!
    Uncle Vince, your hair looks astounding today. Did you do something different? :D

  11. Hi Jamie!
    We were so excited to see your pictures again today! Brandon says you are doing a good job and is proud of you! So cute :) We miss you so much and will continue praying for all of you on this trip! All of you are doing so great! We love you!
    Michelle, Brandon, and Becca :)

  12. We are loving all of the pictures and updates on what is going on there. So proud of all of you :-) Love Don, Amy, Sammi and Ryan
