Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glimpse of Day 2

Good evening! We are sitting in the midst of a beautiful Bahama breeze with a few drops of rain falling. It feels oh so good!

Today was another amazing day. Jamie and I switched worksites for the day so it's new perspectives time for the blog :)

At All Saints, our day started with finishing painting the Missions House (where mission teams/people stay on the property). The All Saints folks said it would take all week .... we finished in 2 days. Our team was a powerhouse!!! We also weeded one lady's yard so she can get to her clothesline without walking in "firewood" (aka the devil-child of poison ivy and other bad stuff ... don't worry, we're all clean from it :) After lunch, we spent the afternoon visiting residents and delivering snacks. We spent time with Miss Moxie who had each group of visitors read her Scripture. She would say it along with you when you were the one holding the Bible ... she spends her time memorizing the truths of God and it was BEAUTIFUL. She is looking much worse than last year and she asked me to read Ecclesiastes 3 ... "A time to live, a time to die" ... God was my only strength in that moment sitting there with her reading.

The Church group worked like crazy and got nothing but compliments on how HARD they worked! The # of kids at VBS doubled since yesterday .... there were about 60 kids there! While VBS was happening, some of the guys decided to start working on laying the cement slab since all the kids were contained inside. It was pure genius because they were able to get DOUBLE the cement laid than yesterday! The girls finished painting the inside of the church and is allowing for them to paint outside tomorrow.

A couple cool moments:
- Yesterday, a little boy asked Peter for water because he was thirsty and Peter had to say no. So then he asked for money and Peter said no (holding to what we've told them to do in those situations). Today, the same boy said he was thirsty so he was going to get a drink. He came back with 2 ... one for himself and one for Peter. Peter said it's the best can of soda he'll ever have in his life.

- There is a little boy named Daniel at All Saints. He writes screen plays and he wants to go to summer camp at Adventure Learning Centre (where we are staying). As of this afternoon, he had gotten sponsored for 1 week (there are 5 weeks of camp). Tonight we gave our team the challenge to help send Daniel to camp this summer. Within 5 minutes, students had handed us $335! We were able to hand the money directly to Tim and Felicia (in charge of All Saints) and they were overwhelmed!

- Yesterday, Don (our project coordinator) joined us for lunch at the church site. He said how grateful he was at how we dressed on the worksite and how respectful it is. There's not another team dressed as nice as ours! (And don't worry Brenda, that's not RY's shirt) :)

- Melissa's courage went up 100% today at All Saints. Yesterday she was quiet and stayed towards the back, not knowing what to say. Today, she was passing out snacks, laughing with residents, and having conversations. God has given her the strength to make every day at All Saints valuable and important.

- Even when our team hasn't been on clean up crew, they have helped at every meal and every set up/tear down. I am amazed at how much they are giving.

- Sean was awesome at letting some of the kids at All Saints beat him in basketball even though he just had to put his hand up to touch the hoop :)

- All the churches are starting to blend together. Currently we've got 10 people from 3 different churches around a table playing one of Josh's "hood-rat" card games and they are laughing, screaming, and enjoying each other!!!

Tomorrow is hump day .... halfway thru our week and mail call day. Your words of encouragement are about to nourish the souls of our team. Thank you! And if anyone could contact Jane Gwaltney, ask her to e-mail me John's letter to Connor at because I left the print out on my desk :/

We love you all!!!!


  1. Sounds like another amazing God-filled day. Great team pic. I pray that you all have a blessed nights sleep and wake up to another wonderful day tomorrow. Love ya guys!

  2. "When we committed ourselves to following Christ, we also committed to living our lives in such a way that a watching world would catch a glimpse of God's character--His love, justice, and mercy--through our words, action and behavior. God chose us to be His representatives. He called us to go out, to proclaim the 'good news'--to be the 'good news'--and to change the world." by Richard Stearns

    Each of you are the 'good news' and are doing your part to help change the world. Well done good and faithful servants -- we are so very humbled by the INCREDIBLE work that you are doing!!

    Sean -- you always were selfless (and were meant to play basketball ;)

    Leanne -- absolutely love the detail of the days!

    We love you all!!!

  3. "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply" — Hudson Taylor
    You guys are all awesome. Keep up the good work!
    Thanks so much for the posts, Leanne. It's truly a blessing to be able to hear what is going on down there.

  4. "Blessed are those who know what on earth they are here on earth to do and set themselves about the business of doing it" - Max Lucado

    What tremendous work you are all doing. It does not surprise me in the least to hear just how hard everyone is working. Keep up your inspiring service!

    So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest at the appropriate time. Galatians 6:9

    Can't wait to see you all!

  5. The accounts of the day show how God is working in every task that you do. We will continue to pray that God will overabundantly instill His strength and power in each of you. Praise God for His goodness!

  6. The pictures and posts are fantastic! You all are doing such wonderful work for Christ! What a blessing! Know that all of us here are thinking of you and praying for you!!

    Brad, I hope you are thinking of the chorus to one of my favorite songs (one that you so beautifully sang for us at the reception!):

    "Give me Your eyes for just one second; give me Your eyes so I can see... everything that I keep missing! Give me Your love for humanity. Give me Your arms for the broken hearted - the ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me Your eyes so I can see!"

    Miss you and love you!!

    1 Peter 4:11
    If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

  7. Lean - thanks for writing! I did it in the D.R. and sometimes I was so tired I couldn't think! I enjoy your writing, great job, you're appreciated.
    RY - whoever did Brad's hair, get them to do yours.
    Chuck - I wanna see you with your hat in 3rd Service!
    Leaders and Team - what great things you are doing and saying. His Light shines through you!

    "Faith in God may not give you a long life - on this earth. But it will give you a powerful life ... a persuasive life ... an heroic life - in a day when heroes are in short supply." Life Focus New Testament, John Guest Team


  8. Wokkie! Come home!

  9. We love the team picture. We are sharing the website with many of our friends because we want others to read about the wonderful things you are all doing. The kindness and love that you are showing to others is amazing, and is very pleasing to God.

    1 John 4:7-8
    Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
