Living The Great Commision

Living The Great Commision

Monday, June 21, 2010

Glimpse into Day 1

Good evening everyone! We've just finished all our evening activities so we wanted to let you know what today held.

It was an absolutely amazing, God-filled day for each and every single one of us. And I'm ready and willing to brag on every single member of our team right now. :)

The boys were on clean-up crew all day and did everything with excellence .... even cleaning bathrooms! They continually went above and beyond and were a blessing to us all. RY won the Conch Challenge (a nightly game) for the guys cabin which means they get to carry around the golden conch until tomorrow night. Brad led us in another amazing set of worship, closing with How He Loves Us, which had about half the camp on their knees.

This morning started off with a healthy breakfast of eggs and warm bagels. We got loaded up on the buses and headed to our sites. The team at New Haitian Mission Baptist Church pulled up to a welcome team of children that were excited for piggy back rides and to ask "Do you remember me?" We played for about 30 minutes and then got ready for VBS. With about 25 children, we taught a bible story (Gen. 1-2) and made necklaces and bracelets. We played games in the backyard and painted faces with some cool face crayons J. Stone brought (best idea EVER!). We took a short lunch break and then got to work on the church building. The guys started to lay some cement slab while the girls occupied the children, had sweet conversations with them, and painted indoors.

The team that headed to All Saints Colony was walking into the unknown as there were over 70 volunteers from mission teams. It was amazing to watch our students pour into the relational aspect of missions. They sat and read Scripture for hours and sang worship songs with residents. It was truly a God-moment. The guys got almost an entire house painted in one day that they were told would take a week. The girls spent time with residents, listening to their stories, reading them books, and helping them get whatever they needed for daily life in the colony.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. We feel completely showered with love, encouragement and the pure grace of God thru your prayers. Please pray as hearts are broken that God would continue to move and be our Strength. Pray for rested bones and muscles tonight and energy for another day. And please pray for the beautiful moments when our hearts begin to align with His in such a way that we see the world thru His eyes and live out 1 Peter 4:10-11.

::: side note: we are reading the comments every time we update the blog and the students are loving the comments!!!! Thank You!!!!! :::




  1. Wow . . . wow . . . wow. Reading the blog from today just brought tears to my eyes. All of you are incredible because you are submitting to Christ and allowing Him to work through you . . . absolutely amazing stuff. Way to go RY in winning the Conch Challenge for the guys . . . Keep winning it guys!!! And Brad, you rock with leading worship. It's all for Him, all for Him.

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  3. Brad, good job with worship. I love how you give your voice to God and bring people to Him.
    RY, you big over-achiever! Let someone else win for once! Haha. *wink*
    I'm so glad the first day went well. I'm sure everybody is having a wonderful time serving God, and lives among the Haitians AND the missions group are already being changed.
    John 15:16-17 - "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another."
    You're all amazing for giving God your time and talents! He is going to work through you in great ways. May you bless the people of Nassau, and may your lives be changed and fulfilled in serving God through this awesome opportunity you've been granted.
    God bless you all! In His Hands, Steph

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  5. My Brother and Sisters,
    First of all, I miss all of you soooo much.
    I was sitting outside today, watching the puppies as they barked at the neighbor mowing the lawn, when I looked up at the sun and it struck me that I am seeing the same sun here that you are in Nassau. In that moment I felt even closer to you guys even though you are hundreds of miles away from Pittsburgh. Now when I see the sun I say a prayer for all of you and praise God that He reminds me every day that He is always with us no matter where we go.(Joshua 1:9) His light will be with us and continue to guide us no matter where we are. I'm so glad to hear that all is going well with you. Keep up the good work, God's going to do amazing things through you guys! Love ya'll! :D

  6. Our weather yesterday (Monday) helped us understand what the weather is probably like in the Bahamas- very hot, and humid. However, as the rain is falling this morning, it reminds us of the blessings that fall on us from heaven- refreshing and nourishing to dry soil. I am sure that the time you are spending with the children at the church camp and at the All Saints Colony feel the same way - they are being refreshed by your love and kindness. God is smiling down on all of you as your work brings Him great delight.. seeing His children serve as laborers for Him. Keep up the great work!!
    Bethany and Sarah - Grandpa is being released to go home - God is GOOD all the time. He called to ask about you and wanted to let you know that he is praying for you.
    Love Mom and Dad

  7. How humbling it is to read about these young adults doing God's work! So proud of all of them!

    Brad - we miss you! Words cannot even express how proud I am of you! I am positive that your God-given musical talent is truly touching many, many people there!

    Kaci started her new "school" yesterday and did very well! The teachers said that the only time she complained was at nap time because she didn't have a pillow! LOL!!!

    Wait until you see Chloe - I swear she gets bigger every day!

    I'll be following the blog and am sure will be amazed at the awesome work you all are doing!

    May God bless you and keep you; may He shine His face on you and look on you with favor and grace! I love you! Amen!


  8. My son the Conch Winner! I had no doubts he'd win, you see he's the best at everything ;) Brought back memories of the lost boys in "Lord of the Flies".
    It sounds like you're doing a lot of good work as well as connecting with many people! Everyone looks happy in the pic's; I'm glad you all are having a good time! Doesn't it feel like God is smiling right back at ya??!! What a GREAT FEELING!!
    Love you all with continued prayers :) :)

  9. A quote from Brian to Sean:
    "Keep up the good work and paint on your head.
    I love you."

  10. Hi Daddy! I love you and I really love you! And I hope you can play Mario with me when you get back! I just want you to come home because I love you very much! And I want you to play Bakuggan with me.
    Love, Brandon

  11. A P.S. from Brian to Sean:
    "I miss being silly with you and can't wait to see you again!!"
